On 17 August 2016 at 13:47, Thaths <tha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (Sorry for the top post, posting from my mobile)
> Narendra, perhaps I was too hasty in writing the advice off. There are some
> good points on the list, for sure. When you have a bulleted list with more
> than 30 items of it, some of them are bound to land.
> As I've grown older what I've come to understand about myself is that
> theory is easy, practice is hard. All of us know the golden rule. How many
> of us practice it (especially with our loved ones who are most deserving of
> it)?
> That's so true! However. I've been able to change a bit by being conscious
of something. For example I've more or less stopped hanging out with people
who irritate or depress me. But then I guess that's not so much of a habit
as a choice. Habits are nearly impossible. And things like "love that
person more" is silly because you can't force yourself to love someone more
or less than you already do. Or can you? Also, things like keeping your
burn rate low is really not a choice for most of us. We burn out because
that's the way we are

Narendra Shenoy

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