On 08/11/2017 03:47 PM, Vasanth Kamath wrote:
I had asked. - "Searching in google is a result of prior synapse -
true or false ?”

The word google was intentionally inserted to make it sound more real.
In the backdrop of a simulated world, I believe that there is
significant influence of cues coming from multiple external dimensions
on what one searches for vs a sense of discovery..so I wanted to seek
thoughts from this group if one could “search” without bias or without
any sort of prior conditioninng


You often search when you know what you want to search..
How do you know what you want? How was it conditioned ?
how does one perfect the art of searching? Or better conditioning?
Is it better search terms? OR
Is it to know better what you want? OR
Is it to know various methods of searching and retrieval?

Of course it's conditioned. Your question itself is the product of "conditioning". You're asking your question in a conditioned environment - you have generated bias by asking this question on a list which you thought could provide pointers on a question of bias. Get my drift?

Your question(s) didn't really make sense to me. Unless you've got a specific angle that you're trying to get a response to. Or generally trolling the list :)


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