I recently became aware of Kim Stanley Robinson's latest book, New York
2140, via silklister Naresh Narasimhan. Anybody read it and want to add to
the nice review below? My gold standard for KSR reviews is our own Bruce
Metcalf, right here on silklist, 14 years ago [1].


[1] https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/silk-list/conversations/topics/11146


Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140 is a glorious thought experiment on
climate change

An excellent look at the relationship between capitalism and rising sea
By Andrew Liptak
Apr 8, 2017, 10:00am EDT

Over the course of his career, Kim Stanley Robinson has written some of the
best known — and most plausible — works of science fiction: Red Mars, 2312,
and Aurora, just to name a few. Robinson’s books are incredibly detailed,
chock-full of realistic science, and almost always carry with them a
relevant message about the present.

In his latest novel, New York 2140, Robinson takes a look at the future of
the planet as sea levels rise due to a warming climate and the changes
civilization needs to make in order to survive. It’s surreal to be reading
this book right now, especially against the backdrop of the Trump
administration’s dismissal of the dangers that climate change poses.
There’s already a number of fairly bleak novels out there about the affects
of climate change. (Look no further than Paolo Bacigalupi’s excellent
novels The Windup Girl and The Water Knife.) But Robinson’s book feels like
the most optimistic take on our future yet. Sure, the water levels will
rise, the Earth is going through a mass extinction event, and a lot of
people will die as a result, but when things get really bad, society, he
seems to suggest, can still manage to survive.

Robinson imagines a world where humanity doesn’t react in time to slow down
climate change. In 2140, New York City is the new Venice, with canals
replacing its streets, and people going about their lives in this new
world. Robinson depicts that life with a multitude of characters, all of
whom come together around the building that they all inhabit, Manhattan’s
MetLife Tower. There’s Mutt and Jeff, a pair of programmers who are
kidnapped after they unleash a bug in the financial markets, while
Inspector Gen, an imposing and well-connected city police officer, sets off
to look into their disappearance. Franklin is a hedge fund manager who’s
making a decent living betting on a housing bubble with real estate prices
in the drowned coastlines, while 12-year-olds Stefan and Roberto are
looking to literally strike it rich when they come across a centuries-old
sunken treasure under the ruins of the Bronx. Amelia is a bubbly nature
video blogger who travels the world in an airship, documenting the fragile
nature of the world’s biosphere. Charlotte is a social advocate who helps
run the Met building, and Vlade is the building’s super. Finally, there’s
an anonymous, sarcastic “citizen” who helps narrate, outlining the events
that led up to novel.

Robinson has a ton of plates up in the air for this story, and he largely
pulls off this enormously ambitious, complicated narrative by following an
unconventional structure that creates a mosaic of events instead of a
straightforward plot. That complexity adds to the feeling of realism as the
characters come together to fend off hostile takeovers of their home
building and the rising floodwaters of New York City, and all of this
happens as the forefront of Robinson’s larger exploration of humanity’s
impact on the planet.


The result is a compelling, if at times, complicated read. New York 2140 is
an intriguing book that’s part thought experiment, part character drama,
and part world-building exercise to look at the varied impact that climate
change will have on human society. He plays with a number of ambitious
ideas here, linking climate change to centuries of destructive economic
policy and the financial and social impact of climate change. This is a
book influenced by the 2008 financial crisis that occurred the beginning of
the Obama administration, and it’s keenly aware of the relationship between
the state of the economy and the world’s climate. By the end of the novel,
Robinson comes up with some ideas that would make the Bernie Sanders /
Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party pretty happy: putting the
brakes on unfettered capitalism to help save the planet.

There are a couple places where Robinson takes his eyes off the story right
in front of him, and a big, climactic storm feels a little too convenient
for the plot. However, the flaws in this novel are outweighed by the
glorious future New York City that Robinson has lovingly put together. It’s
a setting that feels completely real, vibrant, and visceral as he takes us
up and down a city that’s adapted to water life: buildings have installed
waterproofing measures and garages for boats, while people walk overhead in
skywalks that connect the buildings to one another. The city is easily a
character in its own right.

The Earth’s climate is changing: the oceans are growing more acidic,
hundreds of animal species are going extinct, and the atmosphere is growing
warmer and warmer. New York 2140 points to the reasons for why: humans
simply can’t recognize how their short-term actions play out on a geologic
scale, and now that we’re starting to reap the consequences, his characters
are trying to make the world better in their own ways. Robinson’s novel is
a dire warning for the future that likely faces us if enormous,
civilization-changing fixes aren’t made. It doesn’t seem likely that those
fixes will be made anytime soon, but he’s at least optimistic that people
will eventually come around and start to do something. Better late than


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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