Yes Sol
Actually I drank two quarts daily, still do until completely healed, ( with 
Lysine mixed in of course )
> From: sol <>
> Date: 2007/05/29 Tue PM 06:57:54 EST
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>pains on left side of head
> You drink the whole quart every day? If not, how much daily did you 
> take? (I'm not worried about drinking a quart of CS a day, just would 
> like to be sure I understand your dosing).
> thanks,
> sol
> Jacques Parent wrote:
> >
> > The key to fight off the herpes virus ( chicken pox/shingles ), is 
> > ingesting a mixture of Lysine and Colloid silver.
> >
> > Mix 10,000MG of Lysine and 1 quart of colloid silver and drink that 
> > mixture every day
> >
> > You should expect a big improvement in four or five days, don?t stop 
> > till all clear.
> >
> > I had to use tablets but powder is better if you can get it, I crushed 
> > the tablets using my
> >
> > Wife?s food processor.
> >
> > My pain was on the right of my face and forehead and was quite severe 
> > for the first two
> >
> > Or three days.
> >
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