To be a little more specific:

You CAN make Chlorine Compounds and gases by running electricity through salt water, and I did in fact mention that possibility. [Specifically] "Vitamin O" ***could*** be similar to MMS, but the FTC lab not detecting such would be a far stretch of the imagination. Sodium Chlorite or Chlorate is a pretty far cry from salt. The odds are good that "Vitamin O" is not similar to MMS..or..the FTC is unbelievably out to lunch.
 Scam, wins the odds game in my book.

"Stabilized Oxygen" is not a very specific term.
It lumps different things together like the term "colloidal silver" gets used to lump different things together...hence the coined "EIS"
..makes it tough to sort through the "miracles"

What *MMS* "Miracle Mineral Supplement" [aka SCD ] has to do with Mineral Supplementation is beyond me. [FDA dodge maybe ] I'm not finding anything where the FTC [or FDA for that matter ] has attacked "Miracle Mineral Supplement", but they might get around to it as a mislabel if they ever sell 200 million dollars worth of product like the "Vitamin O" people have. Big bucks get big attention. "Scam" another story, generally under the heading of secrecy and ad copy that says absolutely nothing.

To MMS credit, they aren't "hiding" what it "is" [If you look just behind the name, that is]
Pretty darned straight up, even if it doesn't work.
At least, if you burn your tongue off, you know where to go with it. [exaggeration]

"stabilized chlorine dioxide" (SCD)...aka MMS.... Still a misnomer, but is a better label ... has an established reputation of sorts. Mr Humble didn't invent it. [I don't recall seeing that specific claim] He used it in a different than accepted application. "If" it kills Malaria parasites etc....and not the people, good for him...and them.
Sodium chlorate (<>Na<>Cl<>O3) is an <>oxidizing agent. It is mostly used to produce <>chlorine dioxide for <>bleaching <>paper pulp, but is also used as a <>herbicide and to prepare other <>chlorates. " [like roundup and yes, agent orange, agent white etc] It is synthesized from the <>electrolysis of hot sodium chloride solution in a mixed electrode tank.

Sodium *chlorite* NaClO2 is derived indirectly from <>sodium chlorate, NaClO3. First, the explosively unstable gas <>chlorine dioxide, ClO2 is produced by reducing sodium chlorate in a strong acid solution with a suitable reducing agent (for example, sodium chloride, sulfur dioxide, or hydrochloric acid). The <>chlorine dioxide is then absorbed into an alkaline solution and reduced with <>hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 yielding sodium chlorite.

Chlorine dioxide is a <>chemical compound with the formula ClO2. This greenish-yellow <>gas crystallizes as orange crystals at 59 °C. As one of several <>oxides of <>chlorine, it is a potent and useful oxidizing agent used in water treatment and in bleaching.

A number of products are marketed as "stabilized chlorine dioxide" (SCD). These are not actually solutions of chlorine dioxide but solutions of buffered *sodium chlorite*. A weak acid [like vinegar] can be added to SCD to "activate" it and make chlorine dioxide in-situ without a chlorine dioxide generator. The use of SCD is effective when the demand for chlorine dioxide is low and when impurities, such as small amounts of chlorine, can be tolerated.

Stabilized chlorine dioxide can also be used in an oral rinse to treat oral disease and malodor.

## It is, however, mildly toxic..but then, so is beer. What does "mildly" mean? [That could be important ]
In comparison:
 Malaria is not mild by any means.

If the FTC looks at MMS and finds SCD, they just might decide to not pick nits. The relationship is right behind an unlocked door with a big PDF knob on it that sez "Open me". If they look at "Stabilized Oxygen" [Vitamin O ] and find salt water behind an ad copy vault? Could be more than just nits.


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