When I had time to reflect upon their personalities and as I went past
the group to medical treatment, one thing I found to be consistent was
what a persons "attitude" or preconceived conceptions/ideas towards
health or disease  was and how significant a role it played in their
recovery or demise.
     This is a very good and logical statement.  One thing was left out.

The things mentioned about are responsible for them having cancer in the first place.

I have seen people try for years to get cancer. I watched as it happened, and it did happen, and they died.

One of the documents in my collection,  "The New Order of the Barbarians".
state. ...............

The Cause and Cure for most cancer has been known for years, and they are all locked up in the Carnegie Institute. http://www.carnegie-institute.com/

The "New Order of the Barbarians" can be downloaded here.

This document goes on to say,

"The doctors or the future will not be allowed to diagnose or treat disease"
"Furthermore they will be used to kill people"

This was spoken in 1968 I think. About 90 % of what this doctor said has come to pass already.

The simple definition of the cause of cancer,  is.

"Improper Oxidation within the Cells"  and
"The fermentation of sugar within the Cells".

Of course other things contribute to these two items above.

Only recently I read of one study that said,  POINT BLANK,

The failure of intercellular communication is the cause of Cancer and Diabetes, and most other disease.

Ask you doctor, and while you are at it, ask him to explain how
"Essential Sugars" enter into the picture.

How many Americans ever hear the term, "Essential Sugars".
I won't explain all that here and now. If you want to know, do your own research.

I group cancer with Lyme, Aids, Diabetes, Heart disease, West Nile Virus, and a few others.

No one wants to cure them.  Most people have no idea of the causes.

If we can cure West Nile in horses and dogs,........ why not in Humans?
Over 700 diseases can be cured in animals.  But NOT one in Humans.
You have to be a real genius to understand why.

If you don't, ............. you have my blessings. Keep your head buried in the sand.

I can tell you just what to do in order to become part or the population control movement.

So, ........ population control continues, day in and day out.

It is necessary, unfortunately.  The planet is over populated.

If you research this enough, you will find how many people need to be killed in the USA. And....... the plans are in place. Fear not !

The smartest and richest people in the world are behind this.

The problem is, all the diseases above are not working fast enough to reach the quota established.


 "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do.


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