ruth strackbein wrote:

Hi, I am very interested in the Magnesium Chloride Oil, but on skimming through your post and the information from the address you gave, I see nothing that tells me where to buy Magnesium Chloride Oil or how much it costs. Ruth

Hi Ruth,

A couple of sites that were recommended and who are both selling the same product at $72 for half a gallon.

Global Light Network:

Ocean Magnesium Products:

Apparently the Global Light Network product is thought highly of by many people, including Dr Sircus and also another doctor, Carole Dean who wrote "The Miracle of Magnesium". However Dr Sircus although previously recommending their product, now recommends a new source of Magnesium oil from Europe which he says is the purest form he's found yet and it will be available in the US in a few months through a company called LL's Magnetic Clay

Here's a link to the European Magnesium : <>

and LL's Magnetic Clay : <>

<>Here's what Dr Sircus had to say on his mailing list about Global Light's Magnesium oil.

"Magnesium Oil, a solution gathered by salt water evaporation has been our favorite magnesium chloride solution until now. I have been recommending a product from Global Light Network and I have seen it do miracles, even saving the life of my oldest online friend. But recently I have received hints of problems when I was in the interior of Brazil sitting clinic with Dr. Augusto Vinholis. We had ordered a gallon of magnesium oil and what came in the magnesium oil bottle was magnesium gel. Global Light was very unresponsive and seemed not to think it was important. I am aware that Global Light had hired an FDA consultant to put a quality program together, but, instead, after a few months, decided against instituting a full quality assurance program. Without such a program their product does not meet minimum requirements and should be re-filtered before any more is sold. It is disturbing to find problems like this especially in the face of something so necessary and positive in terms of furthering the health and recovery of many people from serious disease. Because of this the IMVA can no longer can no longer reccomend Global Light's products."


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