The natural doctor had us on Nestmann products called Hepatica, Bucco and 
Allernest drops in 32 oz of water to drink over 7 hr period and a Standard 
Process product called Parotid.  I did fine the first couple weeks and then got 
like I had severe cold.  Coughing constantly, snotty nose, headaches, etc.  I 
continued for two weeks that way and there was no let up.  I would be okay in 
the morning but soon as I started taking the drink and pills on would come the 
side effects.  I quit a week ago but that was when I started to feel a sore 
spot inside my ear.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jessie70<> 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 1:56 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>question on cs and an ear problem

  Dianne, what were you using for heavy metal detox? Jess
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dianne France []
    Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:38 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>question on cs and an ear problem

    I'll try that and hopefully it will work.  I have been going thru a heavy 
metal detox and I think the stuff is trying to come out my face.  I also 
developed a sty.  I've quit the detox because I couldn't handle the side 
effects, I guess I was hexing but it lasted a couple weeks.  After things quiet 
back down I'll try going back at a much lower dose to finish the detox.  

    Also suggested was an infrared and we have a machine we use to treat our 
horses so I will also start using that.  I had forgotten about that working.  

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: M. G. Devour<> 
      To: silver-list<> 
      Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 7:40 AM
      Subject: Re: CS>question on cs and an ear problem

      Hi Dianne,

      It sounds like a good strategy, so far. If you're not already, maybe 
      you'd want to start your own course of oral CS just to bolster the 
      immune system side of things. 

      Maybe put some hydrogen peroxide (3%) in (or on) the ear as well. 
      Alternate the two every few hours you're awake?

      Then there's the new thing everybody is experimenting with, MMS, that 
      you can read up on at<> ... It's a bit 
      for topical application, but another alternative to a course of oral 

      Please let us know what works for you!

      Be well,

      Mike D.

      > I somehow have managed to get a large pimple or boil inside my ear.  I
      > felt it coming on and used cs (5ppm)twice a day but it got larger
      > anyway.  My ear is almost swollen shut and swollen out around it.  I
      > decided maybe the cs wasn't getting to where it needed to and yesterday
      > started with a mixture of cs with a small amount of DMSO in it, a
      > mixture that I normally used on sore joints.  A little of the swelling
      > is down but it still hurts pretty bad and I don't hear out of the ear. 
      > Does anyone have any suggestions.  If I go to the doctor they are just
      > going to want to give me antibiotics and they tear my system up but may
      > have to go that way if I don't get relief soon.  
      > Appreciate any help.
      > Dianne

      [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
      [                        ]
      [Speaking only for myself...               ]

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