Sorry about the lack of awareness regarding this post. Anyhow, scabies and 
other such pests must have a "host" to live. They can live for awhile without 
one but they must have a host to survive. So, when I dust my house, I do it 
everywhere using a talcum powder bottle or something that has small holes that 
will disperse the DE fairly well. Make sure to where a filtering mask (paper 
ones will work) when spreading the DE. Also, make sure all pets are put 
outdoors or take them to someone else's house for at least one hour after 
dusting. You may dust your pets after they come back in but be sure you do not 
allow them to inhale a lot of the powder. I will vacuum the house, furniture, 
mattresses and pillows a few hours after dusting to ensure the DE has settled. 
Use a micron-filtered or hepa-filtered vacuum, otherwise you will have a "dust 
bowl" in your home. Repeat dusting the home at the change of seasons - spring 
to summer, summer to winter, winter to spring. Do pets after
 bathing them. I also put a half teaspoon of DE in my small dog's food for 10 
days on, 10 days off for as long as I notice any pest problems. If your vet is 
familiar with DE, check with them for type/size of your pet and their suggested 
protocol.  Hope this helps and I apologize for not responding to this reply.

Tad Winiecki <> wrote: My brother in Houston claims to 
have been having major problems for a 
couple of years with an invisible "no-see-um" that he picked up near 
Waco.  He's planning to come visit me next month so I am concerned that 
he eliminate this problem before he comes.  I know he uses DE in his 
carpet.  What about ozone released in the room while no one is present, 
would that kill mites?  If I sprinkled DE on a laminate floor would it 
scratch the surface?  I don't know if he actually has scabies, does it 
have to be spread by close contact or do the scabies jump off and 
infest beds, etc?

On Sep 8, 2007, at 4:40 PM, Scott wrote:

I used Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) which worked wonderfully - 
internally and externally. I used one tablespoon mixed in my milk or 
Orange Juice for 10 days with 10 days off for six months. No more 
scabies, mites, etc. I dusted myself, my whole house (wearing a dust 
mask, of course) with the stuff and around the outside of my house. I 
vacuumed indoors the following day.  It's cheap and works great! Take 

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