On 10/19/2007, Mark Siepak (bro...@gtcinternet.com) wrote:
> You haven't answered the important question, if you are vaccinated,
> >are you afraid of?

There was no question asked, but to answer anyway....

Yes there was - although it was in the form of a statement that no one had answered it yet...

It was:

"I'd still like to hear why people who believe in the safety and
efficacy of vaccinations (and therefore are vaccinated themselves,
right?) are so afraid of the unvaccinated."

but to answer anyway....

Burying the bodies of stupid people, and the resultant waves of disease
and pest overpopulation that cannot be vaccinated against.

Can you say bubonic plague?

Ok - so, since I am of the firm opinion that the eating of large quantities of dead food in the form of microwaved food, McDonald's, candy, soda pop, etc ad nauseum, it is my absolute Right that anyone who engages in said behavior should be placed in a mental institution for rehabilitation, where they will be forced to learn about proper nutrition and how to take care of their body.

Why should this be allowed? Because otherwise, all of us who are already aware of this knowledge and are willing to practice it are forced to pay vastly higher costs for insurance, as well as suffer the spiraling costs of medical treatment to treat these stupid people (your words) when they get sick due to their poor lifestyle choices.

Can you say Cancer/MS/MD/any of the other hundreds of different 'diseases' that have been created by these poor lifestyle choices?

the mark of civilization is the way it treats its' young, feeble, and
aged. You would let everyone die but the fit, healthy, lucky ones.

Actually, you'd be surprised... I recently had to watch a favorite aunt die a slow, painful death from Cancer, while she chugged away at her 6-8 diet pepsi's a day, ate microwaved food exclusively, lots of white bread, margarine - the SAD diet, basically.

Vibrant health has nothing to do with luck - and yes, I would advocate that people should be required to suffer the consequences of their own poor choices in life - ESPECIALLY if the alternative being suggested is to force other people to pay for their mistakes and VOLUNTARY CHOICES.

That doesn't mean I'm a heartless bastard - it means I'm an HONEST bastard. Why honest? Because to suggest that others be forced AT GUNPOINT to pay for the mistakes and voluntary choices of other people is to advocate theft and/or extortion.

Sick Bastard, if I may re-use a term

No more, this is OT, and your ideas and morals are so corrupt you are
not worth my time.

Dude, if you're gonna talk to yourself, at least keep it off-list...

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