This is if anything, this is an interesting read

When these types of epidemics come along they are not unlike a great tsunami or 
major hurricane sans mother nature. 
They are sudden and often without warning.  Essentially, there is one major 
problem most people face and that is the fear of death.    Pre reconciliation 
of death, including ones own,  is a part of life. 

"the mark of civilization is the way it treats its' young, feeble, and
aged. You would let everyone die but the fit, healthy, lucky ones."

Contrary to what you think mother nature plays by different rules, keeps a her 
own score card and makes her own mark.  By all accounts, it was the most fit 
and healthy that were mortally stuck down by the 1918 plague. The very young, 
feeble and aged for the most part, survived. It was those with the most 
efficient immune systems that rallied the greatest physiological response to 
the virus which resulted in the immune system over reacting.  One of the 
supposedly  huge mistakes doctors made were attempts to eliminate the fevers, 
which we know now, is the bodies natural immune response. Interesting as well, 
to this day, the first thing most people do at  sign of a fever, is to run for 
an aspirin or other such suppressents. 

All scrambled attempts at vaccination failed at that time. To think that 
science will have the exact code, thus the viral antidote in advance to any new 
viral strain that causes such a plague would be akin to lottery odds. Ordinary, 
garden variety  vaccines, especially flu,  are not very different. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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