If for some reason you HAD to pick only your top 3 vitamin/mineral SUPPLEMENTS for the best overall nutritional health for your body that you'd use on a daily basis, what 3 things would it be? I'm not talking about healing therapies such as CS, MMS, DMSO, or MSM, etc. I'm trying to get a feel for what different individual's take to maintain their nutritional well being only, above and beyond any healing therapies that may be needed, and to see if I'm anywhere close to what I could be doing better for myself and family. (combo supplements such as Emergen-C would count as only 1 of your 3 picks) OK.... pick FIVE if need be, but try to stick with no more than that please!

Hopefully you plan on sharing your compiled list with us once you have finished it? :)

1) Fulvic Acid Minerals (www.vitalearth.org)
2) Magnascent Iodine (www.magnascent.com)
3) Natures First Food (www.rawfood.com)
4) Chlorella (www.ybsweb.co.jp/exhf1.html)
5) Floradix Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc/Vit D (http://tinyurl.com/2zt8pv)

There's more, but thats the main stuff... and again, this is only the maintenance stuff - and I use this for cleansing and detox too, just ramp up the amounts...

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