I would use it experimentally but would have to make it myself.
Global light has it for ONLY $100.00 a gallon.

leslie1053 wrote:

Mary, are you making your own magnesium oil?? Can I order from that place also? I have some from Clark Chemical which is the magnesium chloride but the nurse from IMVA told me to immediately get all the magnesium in my body possible and recommended the oil but was too expensive for me. Thanks,

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* mborg...@att.net <mailto:mborg...@att.net>
    *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
    *Sent:* Sunday, December 30, 2007 9:32 AM
    *Subject:* Re: CS>Transdermal Magnesium Products link


    I make my own oil.  It is called Nigari, I get the kind from Japan
and not from China.
    The formula is 1 cup of Nigari to 4 cups of water heat up a little
    and there you have it.

    I pay 1.32 lb and get it from my local co op.  No freight involved.


        -------------- Original message from "Paula Perry"
        <p...@zoomnet.net <mailto:p...@zoomnet.net>>: --------------

This is where I ordered magnesium oil and bath chrystals.
        Unfortunately, the site is being updated and not working. You
        can call
        1-800-481-9987 and then press "1" to order or ask questions
        about products. She was very friendly when I called and
        ordered. Seemed happy to answer questions.