For DE call around to your local feed stores.  Much cheaper than buying on
line and paying shipping.  Make sure it is food grade and you and your pets
can also take it internally.

Be careful when you spread the DE, you don't want to get that in your lungs!


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Dianne France []
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:47 PM

  No I haven't tried DE yet but am looking for a local supplier.  I have
Neem that I use on plants.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Maureen
    Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:19 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>TICK REPELLANT

    I use a neem oil based shampoo on her called Thera-Neem.  Get it through
the same website I get my neem oil from.

    Have you tried spreading Diatomacious Earth around for the fleas?


    Dianne France <> wrote:

      Thanks for the heads up of more formula's.  Have most of those oils so
I may well try.  Did you ever use in the shampoo or just in a spray form?
We mostly have fleas at our location.  Only have seen one tick so we are
fortunate.  If there is one though there could be more.


      ----- Original Message -----
        From: Maureen
        Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:09 PM
        Subject: Re: CS>TICK REPELLANT

        I have recently joined the list.  I intended to lurk and learn about
CS as I do not know much about it; however, EO's are a subject near and dear
to my heart.  I used to take my dog up to Northern Wisconsin.  My research
showed the following EO's effective against ticks:

        Rose Geranium
        Cedarwood (also helps with flies)

        I made a blend up with these and it helped.  It did not completely
keep the ticks off (there are MAJOR ticks in Northern Wisconsin).  As a
result, she evidently was exposed to Lyme Disease.  In her check up at the
vet, she tested positive for Lyme although did not show any symptoms.  The
vet told me her own immune system fought it off - the titer showed the same
results as if she had been vaccinated a couple months previous.  Guess
that's one of the plusses with a raw fed dog given minimum vaccines - a
healthy immune system.

        For mosquitoes (and this does work), I make a blend with 10 parts
Geranium, 10 parts Lemongrass, 5 parts Lavendar, 5 parts peppermint, 5 parts
eucalyptus, 2 parts cinnamon and 5 parts Canadian catnip.  I put about 30
drops in 1/4 cup water and shake well before spraying.  This works for me
and my yellow lab - I would not use it on babies, small dogs or cats.


    At times you may feel it is the end of the world. Just remember that
what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a