
You wrote:



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ode Coyote [mailto:odecoy...@alltel.net] 
> Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 9:48 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Dental Mercury Victory....FDA MUST classify fillings
>    A dead virus should be nothing more than a chemical structure.
> In some cases a dead virus may be sufficient to trigger an 
> immune system response that's sufficient to trigger antibody 
> production without going into inflammation.
>   What sort of response depends on what the body needs to do 
> to produce a given antibody to a particular class of virus.
>   Every virus is different and the immune system is picky, 
> that's what makes them so hard to defeat.
> An effective vaccine has to trigger the immune system into 
> producing antibodies one way or another.
>   Usually a weakened  or similar but *relatively* harmless 
> live virus is used to do that job.
>   If a dead one will do it, a dead one is used.
>   A multi purpose vaccine may have a mix of several live and 
> dead strains.
>   Part of that immune system response can be inflammation.
> If the genetics are susceptible to inflammation and the body 
> requires inflammation to get the job done, the immune system 
> triggered can be a big problem, no matter what triggers it.
> It's possible that genetic screening can help prevent vaccine 
> damage, [Genetic screening is a very new field of endeavor] 
> however...even though the odds of catching a destructive 
> virus may be reduced with care and the default of everyone 
> else being vaccinated, catching that virus will always be a 
> possibility, with the same, or worse, consequences.
> Worse, because the disease being prevented by a moderate 
> invasion from a vaccine will likely inflame far more and have 
> other destructive possibilities than the weakened or 
> "relatively" harmless similar virus has.
> Some of those suckers can permanently damage the heart 
> valves, ear drums, optic nerves and other delicate things.
>   Generally speaking, it's not the virus that kills people, 
> it's an over response to it that does.
>   For instance: The immune system response to H5N1 bird flu 
> is nearly 100% deadly if steps aren't taken to prevent the 
> body from drowning in its own defenses...the virus itself, 
> isn't and does very little actual damage
>   In effect, the body thinks it needs a battle axe to kill a 
> mosquito and that over reaction is part of the common genetic pool.
>   With Autism, there's an uncommon genetic pool at work doing 
> something similar.
> If genetic screening comes into play, such things could be 
> bred out of the population by selective reproductive 
> sterilization..but that's playing God..isn't it?
>   Everyone has a God given right to screw up everyones genes 
> even when they know they might very likely do so. [wink]
>   PS  Some people never get a cavity and that is a genetic 
> trait as well. 
> [The fat balding people in my family have perfect teeth while 
> the hairy skinny ones are a dentists new Porshe ]
>    Shoot, can't freekin win...but at least I can eat all the 
> tooth rot I want and not get big as a house while they can 
> eat all the sweet house building bricks they want and not rot teeth.
>   Actually, none of us had sweets when we were kids...didn't matter.
> Ode

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