Dianne France wrote:
Dear Group
My husband finally had all his testing done and it turned out he did have a 95% blockage in the aorta but they couldn't use a stint because it was at a three way juncture. He had open heart done Tuesday and they did a two way by pass using a vein from him arm and one from his chest. They didn't want to use the veins in his legs due to vericose veins. What I don't understand is looking at the pictures they took during the heart cath you could clearly see the blockage and he has very large arteries but no other artery showed any problems or plaque. Why would a severe blockage happen in just one spot?
Either of two possibilities. The wall was weak there, and needed reinforcing, or there was an irritation there, possibly from a subclinical infection.
Could there have been a defect in this area to cause it?
If the wall was too weak it could have been a defect I suppose.


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