By comparison of the cost of the two units-

The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is regularly priced at only 
$339.95, but if you act within the next 15 days you pay only $239.95 -- a 
whopping $100 savings! Or, purchase two of these amazing new units and get each 
one for only $219.95 per unit

You're kidding, right?

Faith Gagne <> wrote:     The SilverEdge does a great job as 
well.  No  one is agonizing.  Faith G.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    Carol    Ann 
   Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:50    PM
   Subject: Re: CS>Info about the best    generatrorfor collodial

For crying out loud. Go with Ode's - if you want a simple    machine that does 
the job. Stop agonizing. 

Faith Gagne <> wrote:                   Or check out this 
selection of      generators:
     Faith G.
            -----        Original Message ----- 
       From:        Carol        Ann 
       Sent:        Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:17 PM
       Subject:        RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

Mary        Ellen Murphy <>        wrote:        What  
        are some other generators that are Ionic silver

-----Original          Message-----
From: Clayton Family []          
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:08 PM
Subject:          Re: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

I beg to          differ, at least in principle. An ion is smaller than a 
particle of any element. Don't confuse the poor girl. I respect          Frank 
Key's work, but this is getting to a nitpicking point that she          may be 
too sick to understand.

Ionically isolated silver is          going to be the most reasonable solution. 
I am not arguing with your          statement about the small size being more 
effective, but it is moot          to argue about nanometers when one is 
about ions. My          generator certainly produces ions, which are the 
smallest pieces of          silver that can exist.


On Jun 15, 2008, at 4:31          PM, Jim Meissner yahoo wrote:

> Dear Mary          Ellen:
> Click on the link
>          No, not all generators are alike.
> There are no generators that          will produce a particle the size of an 
> atom.
>          Frank Key, has developed a method that produces the smallest         
>  particle
> possible and that is a group of atoms about .75          nanometers in size. 
> He has
> done some research that says          that the smaller particle means more 
> surface
> area and          best effects.
> Mesosilver page:
> Jim          Meissner
> -----Original          Message-----
> From: Mary Ellen Murphy          [] 

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Regards,        Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you        

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only    thing that is different is how you    think..   

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..