On Sep 5, 2008, at 5:53 AM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Glad you used the word, sensitive. One of my daughters appears to be allergic to iodine, she thinks she is, and has had reactions, will not eat shrimp, and anything that contains very much iodine.

bear with me now: what if the reaction she has to the iodine is because of getting way too much of another halogen, like maybe bromine, or maybe even chlorine? They react similarly chemically, so maybe it is a simple thing to figure out. There is a lot of bromine in processed food.

While I am not disagreeing with you, my daughter, and many others, it is very hard for me not to do it. It is beyond my belief and all my years of study, to believe anyone can be allergic to a proven, known, necessary nutrient. It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !

What if someone said,    " I am allergic to Water"  ?

I have met people that stated.   "I cannot take any vitamin C".

I know people that are so sensitive to mold that they can't take the type of vit C that is produced by fermentation. They have to take some made by another process, or maybe rose hips, fruit, etc.

I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,        ( or all three )

Anyone that knows anything at all, should understand these can become compromised, out of order, work less than perfect, and all kinds of symptoms, ailments, and disease will be the result.

yep, the hundred dollar question.

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