Almost the same here in the UK I'm afraid.  dee

On 13 Jul 2009, at 23:02, Golden Aldi wrote:

Hey, if you guys think you have it bad living in the States, then you should try living here in Germany. Here there is no freedom of speech. If you call someone a Nazi here, you will be fined and jailed, no lie. If you want to homeschool your kids, you will be taken to court, fined, and/or fined, and if your kids are not in a school, they will take them away from you. The courts have judges that gives the verdict. Most judges do not judge fairly, so you tend to think, there are plenty of nazis in these high places. The CPS here is run by the government as well... reporters are not allowed to report everything, and yeah, I know, mainstream media... but we're getting off topic here... so I'll cease. Just one more personal note though, my son is almost 18, has dual citizenship, wanted to give up the german one, but they wouldn't let him. Instead, they are telling him he needs to serve his military duty. He's being drafted!

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Sam L. <> wrote: