I think we should address this swine flu issue.

I don’t care WHO started it or why or about vaccines for it or conspires

This could be a very serous virus, it shows no signs of slowing down..

I would like to work on a protocol for this as it can kill in days so first
detection is necessary.

1st is precautions on how not to get it besides  washing your hands often.

2nd First  symptom’s that you might have it and what to do.

3rd Realize that you have it and what to do like not go to work and spread
it or if your afraid of going to work.

4th If some one in you house hold has it, what to do.

5th how to treat it

6th last ditch attempts, maybe the hospitals are full.

I’m am not a fear monger folks but I see a need for this for the people

If this needs to go to the off topic list or to another group let me know.

Its coming and its up to us to figure this out.

Sam L.

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
everything you have.