Sam L. wrote:

I think we should address this swine flu issue.

I don’t care WHO started it or why or about vaccines for it or conspires theory’s.

This could be a very serous virus, it shows no signs of slowing down..

What are you basing that on? There are 10,000 cases of regular flu in a month, and there are a few hundred of swine flu. So they declare a pandemic, red alert, not on the regular flu, but the swine which has infected far less than the regular flu. Also it has shown to generally not infect the elderly at all, and has death rate of less than one percent of the regular flu. It is all hype. I am much more concerned with the regular flu.

I would like to work on a protocol for this as it can kill in days so first detection is necessary.

Why would you want a protocol to take days? Usually CS will work in hours for the flu.

1^st is precautions on how not to get it besides washing your hands often.

Mist your eyes with CS.

2^nd First  symptom’s that you might have it and what to do.

If you take CS at the first sign of any infection, what does it matter what the first symptom is?

3^rd Realize that you have it and what to do like not go to work and spread it or if your afraid of going to work.

Why does it matter if you can defeat it in a few hours?

4^th If some one in you house hold has it, what to do.

Same thing as with any flu. Take CS, olive leaf extract, lots of water.

5^th how to treat it

I would treat it with CS, olive leaf extract.

6^th last ditch attempts, maybe the hospitals are full.

From what?


I’m am not a fear monger folks but I see a need for this for the people here.

If this needs to go to the off topic list or to another group let me know.

Its coming and its up to us to figure this out.

Sam L.

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