Thank you Steve.  I will contact them.
-------Original Message-------
From: Norton, Steve
Date: 8/17/2009 12:10:44 PM
Subject: RE: CS>zeolite
I don't think they have been selling zeolite to the public but for a couple
of years. I talked with the owner of the business several times. He was very
open and friendly. He has had the zeolite tested by an independent lab for
toxins and heavy metals. There  are no toxins present and very low traces of
heavy metals. The company will provide a copy of the lab test results if you
ask for them. The presence of trace heavy metals is not a problem since the
trace metals are locked within the cage-like structure of the zeolite's
molecular infrastructure and cannot be released within the body. The purity
percentage given is primarily an indicator of how much of the zeolite's
internal cage-like cells are available for use. 90 - 95% is high for natural
The owner of GanG was previously a co-owner of the mine but he now sells
zeolite from the mine as a side business. He, his wife and a number of their
friends use the zeolite daily and are real believers in its benefits and
 - Steve N

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