Hi Katarina
In a Gerson newsletter a couple years ago an article stated that the only part 
soy  that is processed the same in this country as in  the Far East is the soy
sauce. If I remember right the sauce has too much sodium in it so none of it is
acceptable on the Gerson Therapy.  Not even for prostate cancer.
Dave Reese

kato...@aol.com wrote:

> Hi Listers,
> since so many of you are so knowledgeable about nutrition, I wonder if anyone
> can answer these questions.
> Someone just told me that unfermented soy is bad for you because it contains
> tripsen (sp) inhibitors which create incomplete digestion of proteins and
> negatively affects the bodys use of calcium, zinc and iron and also that it
> harms your thyroid. She said that supposedly the only healthful kinds of soy
> are tempeh and miso and soy sauce. This concerns me because I don't eat dairy
> and thus often eat tofu or use soy milk in things. Any feedback?
> Another question I had was on the sesame seed issue of oxalates (sp?) in
> hulled sesame seeds. What are they and in what way are they bad for you? I
> like the idea of using sesame seeds as a calcium source so I've been making a
> morning shake with flax seeds, flax oil, hulled sesame seeds, soy yoghurt and
> fruit. Any ideas on how much sesame seeds is good and whether it would harm
> them to be roasted and whether hulled or unhulled is good would be helpful.
> And then, at the recommendtion of someone on the list I read "Fit for life"
> about food combining and found out that according to the theories of food
> combining fruit and protein is bad for you.
> I've gotten to this place of tremendous frustration because every time I find
> out one interesting thing, I find something else to contradict or confuse it.
> So -- I liked the idea of flax seed oil and cottage cheese, but I believe the
> studies which show that dairy promotes osteoporosis so I don't eat it. So I
> combine the flax oil with soy yoghurt or tofu and hope it has the same
> effect. But now maybe soy yoghurt and tofu are bad for you - or maybe they
> are fermented enough to be okay.
> And I love making morning shakes, but fit for life says fruit only in the
> mornings and without anything else. However, trying that for even a few days
> made my candida very happy and me miserable. So I'd like to stick with the
> shakes. One thought was to make them with just oranges and banana and sesame
> and flax but no soy. Does anyone know if seeds are allright to combine with
> fruit? And I sometimes take MSM -- does anyone know if since Johanna Budwigs
> flax oil theories have to do with combining flaxoil and protein and sulfur --
> would I get enough protein from the flax and sesame and enough sulfur from
> msm to activate the flax oil?
> Sorry if this is very off topic, but I think you guys are the best people I
> know to ask.
> Thanks again,
> Katarina
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