You're going to have to translate Ode!  dee

On 18 Sep 2009, at 11:29, Ode Coyote wrote:

A friend of the family in his 80s had a lung infection that just wasn't responding to treatment. His doctor basically gave up and pronounced his very limited life span. My Dad gave him a CS generator and a spray bottle which he carried in his pocket, inhaling the mist whenever he felt the urge. With a few days his pain was subsiding and each check up by his Doc showed an improvement.
She said "I don't know what you are doing, but keep it up."

To use a spritzer as a nebulizer:
Form a "O" shape with mouth, inhale air as fast and deep as possible.
As the air is rushing in, fill it with mist.
Hearken back to your Doobie filled collage years and remember how not to cough. [You may have had training you are not aware of]

Within a few weeks he was pronounced infection free.
Interesting guy, Hans. He was a resistance fighter in the Netherlands in WW2, head quartered right next door to the occupying Nazi headquarters...and pioneered the manufacture of IC chips made with a micro sandblaster of all things.

Speaking of intrepid pioneers...
There is someone on this list that discovered that a slight bit of steady reverse pressure can fill a bladder rather than empty it. Filled with CS "straight up", a bladder infection doesn't have a prayer.

Oh yea... a toke or two can dry out your lungs like no over the counter medication ever will.
Congestive cough that nothing will touch ?
My ex had a cough that kept her awake for 3 days and she was turning blue. NOTHING even touched it..but 2 tokes on some bud and..well, she said "Does it work instantly"? ..coughed twice more and went to sleep breathing easy, cough gone for good. I met a guy last year that made "Bud Butter" for his kids when the disease pool of public school made it's WORKS. "Cotton Mouth" is not just a Southern snake and "Bud Wiser" ain't just driving cars in circles real fast while shedding cylindrical Aluminum objects.

That, CS and spray bottle might just be what it takes to survive the *Flying Pigs Flew* when the hospitals are overloaded.
