Iodoral Iodine supplement. Increasing Iodine in diet, Lugol's and
Magnascent Iodine also come up in discussions on Thyroid

Try asking here for more detail. There are some caveats about
Iodine supplementation in certain conditions.

Also Magnesium boosts Thyroid function. Most are Mg deficient
Try to eat almonds, cashews, peanuts, all types of beans, dark
leafy greens to increase food sources. Soak in Epsom Salts and
know the symptoms of low Mg, twitches, ticks, muscle spasms,
hard muscles. Mg dumps instantly in sweat under stress due to
cortisol release. Any adrenalin release also releases cortisol.


Donna wrote:
Gina, I am totally with you about the doctors and meds so please do share the links please and what does one take to revive up the thyroid?
Thanks so much.
Donna ACS

I feel comfortable saying this since this is an alternative group. It would
be very controversial elsewhere!  High cholesterol is usually from low
thyroid.  In the 'old days' doctors treated high cholesterol with thyroid
medication. (NOT T4 only meds like Synthroid.) Get your thyroid in order
and cholesterol goes down.  Broda Barnes, MD's book 'Hypothyroidism: The
Unsuspected Illness' has a great explaination of this!

Having high cholesterol does not increase your chance for heart attack or
heart disease. Low thyroid however DOES increase those risks. I can post
some links to supporting articles if you'd like.

I took Red Yeast Rice and it lowered my cholesterol so much the doc was
concerned with how low it was!  (I was taking it for the overall health
benefit, not high cholesterol.) All 3 of my levels were very low, which she commented that she had never seen! I have since stopped taking it because
we NEED cholesterol!  It scared me to have it that low!  (I only took 1
bottle's worth.)

As far as mammograms, I will never have one. You have to give 2970 women a mamogram to save 1 life, but they can cause cancer in like 7-10 (I believe that was the right number) of those women who get them, that would not have normally gotten cancer. Thermography is a better choice for breast cancer
screening.  Or take CS, eat fresh organic foods, get plenty of rest and
don't worry about getting any cancer!  :-)

Sorry for being on my soap box today.  I'm just tired of our doctors not
knowing that cholesterol lowering meds and mammograms are dangerous!


-----Original Message-----
From: Donna [] Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 10:45 AM
Subject: CS>OT question?

I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions for my high cholesterol. I am on Crestor and I am trying to not take any more statins all different ones, been on them for years and really getting tired of all the side effects but when I go to the doctor right away by my blood work she can tell I'm not taking it. I have tried natural red rice yeast, ACV, diet and exercise to no avail. My problem was inherited Dad had the same problem. I just read about how they can cause Parkinson's and other neuological problems and I sure as hell don't need that. Maybe that is why we see an increase in MS in adults these days who knows with all this crap they want us to take and put in our bodies. Hell it's time for my Mammogram and now they are saying they can cause cancer, you can't win for losing!!!!
So any ideas anyone?
Donna ACS
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