I strongly agree that there is a LOT of question on whether or not cholesterol should be lowered, or even if it is a problem at all. It occurs to me that France should have had a coronary by now if there was ANY validity at all to the cholesterol propaganda. Unfortunately for the cholesterol theorists the opposite seems to be the case. Heart disease is much lower in France than in the USA. It's not just because of the wine either. The French don't eat trans-fats! They do eat more butter than just about any nation on earth, but they don't eat margarine the way Americans do. The huge increase in heart disease in the united states directly correlates with the introduction of hydrogenated oils into the food
supply. IMO hydrogenated oils are the cause of heart disease.

If it IS the wine preventing heart disease, I'll have a glass with my steak, thank you very much!

By the way, why hasn't heart disease dropped significantly since the introduction
of statin drugs???


Kirsteen Wright wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Donna <dscroggs44...@gmail.com <mailto:dscroggs44...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions for my high

There's a lot of controversy over whether cholesterol needs to be lowered.


If you go to this page there's absolutely loads of links about it



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