I don't think anyone should mess with cholesterol levels at all quite frankly. Each persons needs are different, and the more damaged you are, due to whatever cause, the more cholesterol you will need to repair things. No-one knows just how damaged the internal workings of a body are, so IMO it is better not to mess with it. I have read that people who lower their cholesterol artificially can do all sorts of damage and also suffer from depression and tiredness. I have a friend who is exactly this, and she also suffers from pains in muscles, feet, knees etc., but she will not leave off the statins. I believe the brain itself is made up almost entirely of cholesterol. I was put on statins briefly when I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic (load of old rubbish *that* was) and within weeks, I noticed that my memory was severely impaired. I went to the doc and asked her if this was possible (knowing nothing of statins at the time.) I expected her to poo poo the idea immediately, but instead, she told me to leave them off for a month and see if it improved. Luckily, I had only been on them for a matter of weeks and my memory returned to normal. Shows you *they* know that this can happen, so, never again! dee

On 21 Sep 2009, at 22:09, Kirsteen Wright wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Donna <dscroggs44...@gmail.com> wrote: I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions for my high cholesterol.

There's a lot of controversy over whether cholesterol needs to be lowered.


If you go to this page there's absolutely loads of links about it
