Material Safety Data Sheet
Sodium tetraborate decahydrate

CAS# 1303-96-4:
     Oral, mouse: LD50 = 2 gm/kg;
     Oral, rat: LD50 = 2660 mg/kg;

LD 50, or the Lethal Dose 50, is the dose it takes to kill half of the animals used, generally rats and mice,
because of the close correlation to human toxicity.

Looks like it takes a lot to kill a rat or a mouse, 2 gm per Kg body weight, which would be aapx 140 gms for a person. Not that I am advocating ingestion mind you, just pointing out that what is on the end or your finger is many orders of magnitude lower than 140 gms, probably in the range of 1.4 mg.


Acmeair wrote:
we went thru this situation a year or so ago. many supporters of using "up to the first finger joint" for a dose. you have peeked my interest, so i checked my "20 mule team Borax" natural laundry booster. a caution, "contains sodium tetraborate decahydrate", anyone know what that is????? jim

Sep 29, 2009 12:07:17 PM, <> wrote:

    I use borax as a source for dietary boron and I know of no negatives.
    - Steve N

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Shirley Reed [
    Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:01 PM
    To: <>
    Subject: CS>OT boron and borax

    Does anyone know of any negatives regarding the use of borax as a
    dietary source of boron??? Have read that just one joint of the index
    finger coated with borax and popped into the mouth will give enough
    boron to suffice for daily needs. Need confirmation as to this
    information. tia pj

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