Borax does kill the fleas but not the eggs which is why you have to do it again in a few days. Twice was all I needed to get permanent riddance.


Kirsteen Wright wrote:

     I've also heard it's good for fleas? Is it? i"ve tried
    Everything..diatomaceous earth works some but not very fast and i
    am allergic to them.

I don't know about that but the herb pennyroyal works great for fleas. I don't think it kills them but they hate it so if you manage to get rid of them, it keeps them away. We used to regularly get flleas until i discovered it, as the cats would bring them in. After that, I always spread some dried pennyroyal on the mattressess under the sheets and this kept the beds free. I'd also sprinkle some on the floors and then sweep it into the cracks in the floorboards (we had varnished floors).

I'd then rub the herb over myself and take the cat outside and rub pennyroyal through it's coat. The cat didn't mind but you could literally see clouds of fleas leaping off it.
good luck