You shouldn't need amber bottles because the EIS solution should be clear and stable. I don't know what you are making though, if it is cloudy. dee

On 18 Oct 2009, at 01:54, Jeff Maahs wrote:

Finally made my first batch. The silver arrived today and I put together 4 9v batteries and started the process. Over an hour and nothing happened. So I moved the rods closer together and added a bit of the commercial CS we had bought. About 30 minutes later I looked and the solution was cloudy. Using a laser level I looked into the solution and could see the particles. No idea how concentrated it was though as I don't have a meter. I'd like to hear if there is a fairly good method.

So we all rinsed our mouths and gargled as it had become a family event. I need to get some of the amber bottles and different tops now.

We've had some interesting results with the commercial solution and my youngest's breathing at night. When we use the CS nose spray she doesn't snore or breath loudly. If we forget to have her spray we find out later from the snoring. She's been diagnosed with allergies but it happened so suddenly I'm not so convinced. It's been about 2 weeks with the CS spray so we'll continue and see what happens.


 ps - sorry Garnet