Check out the website  it has a link for some other 
names MSG is known to be. Read the labels carefully. I printed out the list and 
carry it with me to the grocery store to be sure to purchase items without MSG.  and are another source if you'd like 
to learn more.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gina Moore 
  Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 8:15 AM
  Subject: CS>Liposomal C

  I've made a few batches of the liposomal C, and they seem to be fine.  I've 
been taking 2oz daily.  I have a couple of questions though.


  How do you make it more palatable?  I've been putting my salt water in it and 
that helps tremendously.  I have Lyme disease and am doing the salt/c protocol 
- I take about 10gm salt (Redmond's) in water daily, along with the Vit C 
(which the liposomal version is working beautifully for).  I just wondered what 
others were doing to get it down easier, or if that was even an issue.


  My other thing is I like to read/watch a lot of things and I saw somewhere 
that Soy Lecithin is MSG in disguise!  Anyone know if this is true?  I'm going 
to do some research on it, but I was quite alarmed at the statement!  MSG is 
something I avoid like the plauge!


  Just wanted to get your thoughts.
