Anyone sensitive to EMF radiation should invest in a K2 meter. Track down and fix or shield anything giving off high EMF. These meters are great for this, they aren't just used for ghost hunting.


Clayton Family wrote:
How about a hat made of foil?

Seriously. There are fabrics made that screen EM frequencies, and they are made with silver threads in with the cotton or whatever. The military use them for privacy (Em fields are also cell phones and radios) and who knows what else. But they are reported to also work for this kind of thing.

I have an OTT light in my kitchen, and the ends of the tubes are wrapped with lead foil to prevent the nasty type of frequencies from leaking out the ends. Someone else suggested aluminum foil might work the same way, and it is worth a try.

If you did a test run with some kitchen foil to shield your head/neck area just to see if it would work, then it might be worth sinking the money/time into seeing if the fabric is available at something less than an exorbitant price. Or maybe an army/navy surplus would have something like it.

Maybe you are tired of ideas now, but it seemed worth mentioning. Best Wishes, Kathryn

On Nov 8, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

When I go to the grocery store the lights are real high up in the ceiling and don't bother me...but at work the ceiling is an average height ceiling...I notice when we have to go to meetings downstairs, the lights are there also, by the end of the hour or so meeting my ears are beet red along with my neck. When I _use to_ dye my hair the same thing would happen. I use the silver daily to kill off anything going on inside me...and I am in and out of Hospitals, nursing homes and private homes. Being exposed even to the H1N1 and I am happy to say I am pretty healthy. As far as the heavy metals I take clay internally three or four time a week to help keep them at bay,
thanks much,

*From:* Diane Mackey < <>>
*To:* <>
*Sent:* Sun, November 8, 2009 11:45:37 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Strange question

Debbie, When I was in my teens, I worked at a grocery store and was sick after every shift. I never realized it was the lights until I changed jobs and it stopped happening, then went back to work in a department store and got sick with the same symptoms. When I would go shopping, I'd get sick again! Finally met a biochemist who told me that it was the fluorescent lights that were doing it. At the time, I thought it was weird. I still hate to go shopping because I don't feel well when done, and I'm a fast shopper! My friend, has three sons, two functioning autistic, all full grown. One 'hears' fluorescent lights and it drives him crazy. He also hears 'wiring' in the walls. The other is very sensitive to sunlight and gets hives and nausea. I'm not sure what the connection is, but my very wild guess is anyone who may have a lot of heavy metals or fungus in their bodies, might have a reaction from fluorescent lights for some reason. I would guess the same can be true from certain rays of the sun.


    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Clayton Family <>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Saturday, November 07, 2009 10:32 AM
    *Subject:* Re: CS>Strange question

    I agree with Annie, some people are sensitive to florescent
    lights. In addition to that, there are some neurotoxins that
    increase sensitivity to EM frequencies, including lights. It is
    possible that your body has trouble handling it when you are more
    fatigued, or maybe you are being exposed to something during your
    workday that increases your sensitivity. Our bodies normally
    filter out such things, and perhaps that is what happens
    overnight. I know many people with EM sensitivities, so you are
    not alone.


    On Nov 6, 2009, at 6:26 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

    This is bizarre problem...I have a problem with florescent
    lights in our breakroom at work...they don't bother me before
    work it is when I am almost done at night and I sit there for
    about twenty minutes and I get spasms in my neck that are
    unreal...anyone have any info on such a problem...I do try to
    stay out of the room as much as possible and am not there for
    eight hours during my shift,
    thanks much,

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