Hi folks, I'm Sunny and I'm new to this list.   I've been taking colloidal 
silver bought in Wholefoods, which comes from a company called Genesis Today, 
for a while, just spraying it into my mouth as I originally got it for my gum 
problems.  Now I'm seeing the potential for a whole lot more... 

We've been thinking about buying a colloidal silver generator and I've gotten 
really confused with all the conflicting information around.    I'm reading 
material about how ppm isn't important but particle surface area is, about the 
difference between ionic silver v real colloidal, how electrolysis isn't the 
best way to make it [our machine does not use Electrolysis' is the marketing 
ploy],  how you have to use distilled water from a proper distiller rather than 
buying it in the store in a bottle.   How if the instructions tell you you must 
use a blue or brown bottle then the silver isn't real colloidal.   How ionic 
silver becomes silver chloride and doesn't last in the body.  

Most of the manufacturers of silver generators have marketing speak that says 
'don't believe what other people tell you ' and many of them are offering 
conflicting data, most of which is so technical that I can't get my head round 

I feel like one of those cartoon characters with lots of question and 
exclamation marks going round in circles!!! ;-)

So, I'm thinking that there are probably people on this list who have are 
making and have taken homemade CS for various ailments and it has worked.  So, 
if that's you, I'd love to hear about what generator you're using and why you 
recommend it.   Please help deconfuse us...

We want to make colloidal silver in bulk to give away to friends and family and 
also to market through physical groups, meeting people, talking about it..

We don't have healthcare and are on a very limited income so we're passionate 
about finding the right combination of low cost health solutions that will keep 
us in wellness...and thinking that this passion will eventually provide an 
income for us...

Currently we use MMS [recommended by the executive director of a VA 
hospital!!!!!] which we can also make at home very cheaply but haven't yet... 
and colloidal silver as I described above....

My husband has had problems with his digestive system, ulcers at age 7, 
diverticulosis, and IBS at times of stress. I have respiratory weakness... I am 
beginning to see some kind of genetic propensity for specific types of 
ill-health, and we want to prevent these before they happen.

All advice welcome... but specifically, we need some input on CS and CS 

big smiles 

A peek into our world.. 

Alternative Research Consortium - ARC - Resource site for the alternative and 
natural technologies required for this emerging world

From: "kmartjo...@aol.com" <kmartjo...@aol.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, December 6, 2009 12:36:33 AM
Subject: CS>expert witness medicolegal reports

-----Original Message-----
>From: kmartjo...@aol.com
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Sent: Fri, Dec 4, 2009 12:53 pm
>Subject: CS>expert witness medicolegal reports
>Anyone know a medical ENT doctor  or expert witness who can prepare documents 
>for mold exposure...thanks to cs I recovered. I was exposed to 9 kind of 
>mold...was so sick I didn't care if I died. one was aspergillos