Distilled Water

So, Kathryn, you're saying that you tested a lot of distilled water for your 
area... that's interesting. Did you buy different brands?    I was thinking 
that if I buy distilled water at Walmart or Ingles that the same brand name 
would all be consistent. Is there a difference? Do different areas have 
different types of distilled water under a big brand name?

We are up for spending about $200 on a good heavy duty producer of CS.  We see 
it as an investment. And how amazing to be able to give away good samples of a 
product without having to spend the earth.   This allows us as a new business 
to do what most businesses want to do... make generous gestures and allow 
people to prove for themselves that things work.

Wellness Clubs

We're planning to create local wellness clubs, where women get together and 
discuss, with facilitation, how they can be more healthier at grassroots 
starting with very basic adjustments.  Of course being a women's group we can 
include all kinds of topics that women love to get together and discuss from 
weight loss [which is all about vanity and appearance to most, but is really 
about HEALTH] to remembering and documenting old wives memories and family held 
homespun cures

We live in the South in a rural location where people aren't rich and biscuits 
and gravy and heavy duty fried chicken  are popular local food.   This is also 
however a place where people know how to GROW and it's also a place where the 
women have control over family food mostly and where people have to prepare 
their own food] 

We want to introduce food ideas for slowly adding more raw, healthier, low 
cost, alternatives and then ease in the idea of supplements and materials that 
we like and that aren't going to bust the bank.  Perhaps even expanding into 
using group power to purchase organic goods in bulk... who knows.. but it feels 

I think everyone is seeking wellness and that many many more people are turning 
to alternative methods, and that 'many more' is increasing exponentially.  

We are on a financial edge right now, renting and living on savings as we 
evolve our message and businesses, and for us staying well is paramount.  

A friend of ours who lives on social security had her widow benefits 
stopped from GM, no more dental, no more prescriptions, no more nothing..so 
she's been forced to find alternative ways... like using apple cider vinegar in 
a glass of water for reflux rather than Prilosec at >$20 or using CS instead of 
paying $100 plus for antiboitics.  

Antibiotics and Flu!
Another thing I've noticed is that loads of people we know are getting 
antibiotics for flu.  Flu is viral, antibiotics don't cure flu do they? I sense 
and also pray that there are more doctors emerging like my friend at the VA 
hospital, who are combining allopathic medicine with alternatives that work 
better in certain cases.    She used MMS to cure a staff infection that nothing 
else could.    

Finally....does this list have an archive?   I got the impression it's not web 
based, just email.. so, as I don't know what's been discussed before, please 
forgive me if I'm bringing up topics that have already been addressed over the 
time you've all been around... 

More silver generator recommendations please...

thank you all again and in anticipation of more personal recommendations for 
specific silver generators and periphery necessities - water, testers, 
containers, etc..

with love and blessings
A peek into our world.. 

Follow us on Twitter - www.twitter.com/return2earth 
Wellness v pharma, free energy v oil, own grown v processed food, community v 
nuclear, natural building v concrete, consciousness v asleep  Info on what's 
going on and alternative and natural technologies for a simpler life

From: Clayton Family <clay...@skypoint.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, December 6, 2009 8:56:07 AM
Subject: CS>Re: sunny cs generator info

Hi, welcome. My favorite site when I was new was silvermedicine.org  

and there is still much really good info at fugitt.com/cs

I use a home made generator and batteries, but if I were going to buy one I 
would buy the silverpuppy.

I use a hanna COM 100 meter to test the purity of the water before I start, and 
I bought and tested many different brands of distilled water before I found the 
one that is reliably pure for my area.

The consensus here seems to be that electrically isolated silver produces a mix 
of colloidal and ionic silver, mostly ionic, and that it works the best, and is 
the lowest cost. As you have seen, there is alot of advertising claims made 
that conflict. But an ion is the smallest possible size of any element, so the 
arguments about particle size are somewhat ridiculous.

Have fun reading!


On Dec 6, 2009, at 6:43 AM, Sunwaterclear - Sunny wrote:

Hi folks, I'm Sunny and I'm new to this list.   I've been taking colloidal 
silver bought in Wholefoods, which comes from a company called Genesis Today, 
for a while, just spraying it into my mouth as I originally got it for my gum 
problems.  Now I'm seeing the potential for a whole lot more...
>We've been thinking about buying a colloidal silver generator and I've gotten 
>really confused with all the conflicting information around.    I'm reading 
>material about how ppm isn't important but particle surface area is, about the 