Hi Steve,

The post below was submitted by Brooks Bradley on October 12th. It may be of 
help to your wife.



"Highly soluble forms of silica hydride have, indeed, demonstrated to be of 
measurable effect in addressing migraine insults. One caution: There are 
multiple sources for products claiming to be as effective (or even moreso) than 
the original product developed by Dr. Patrick Flanagan (Microhydrin, original 
name). He executed a sales agreement with a large supplement distributor in 
Dallas, Texas (foolishly, in my opinion), giving them almost exclusive 
distribution rights....which cost him enormous amounts of money, as Microhydrin 
proved to be a huge success....even in the international market. 
Dr. Flanagan salvaged a considerable portion of the domestic market by 
organizing a distribution company of his own and offering the product under the 
the present name of Mega H. It is the same product as Microhydrin, but is 
somewhat cheaper in price. 
This form of silica hydride has a very high Oxygen Reduction Potential 
(ORP)....over 820, in fact. 
My wife has used this substance, continually, to great positive effect....over 
the immediately past 8 years. She has been a lifetime sufferer of migraine 
attacks. This substance has aided her IMMENSELY (others may not enjoy such 
outstanding results). 
Additionally, her energy levels are greatly elevated....through use of this 
substance. It is our opinion that the 
improved cardiovascular response is the primary force behind this improvement. 
Interestingly, whenever she runs out, or fails to take it 
regularly/continually, within 5 to 7 days she presents with a return of 
her more objectionable systemic symptoms. 
I am not a close acquaintance of Dr. Flanagan and do not shill for him...or any 
other product manufacturer....but we have not been able to locate another 
supplier whose product has nearly as high an ORP as does his. 
However, whenever we do come across a product that yields outstanding results, 
we usually try to pass the information on to our professional colleagues and 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley."