I've recently been reading a book called "Eat to Live."

The author's contention is that we eat a lot of calories, an excessive
amount of calories, but we are actually starved for nutrients.
The calories from nutrient-poor processed grains and sugar, and
calories from excessive consumption of protein, fats and refined oils
prevent or discourage us from eating enough of the foods that are
really nutrient rich.  He defines a nutrient rich food as one that
contains a high amount of nutrients per calorie.  Nutrient rich foods
being raw and cooked green vegetables, non-starchy vegetables, beans
and lentils, fresh whole fruits (eat 4 a day...) and to a lesser
extent the starchy vegetables.  His contention is that one can loose
*all* their extra weight on this diet, be satisfied in appetite
because one can eat so much, and cure themselves of most (so called)
age type degeneration, and seriously reduce the chance of getting
cancer and other diseases. It is very interesting.

I was going to provide a link to the e-book after Christmas as this is
a terrible time to start a new way of eating, like I have...


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Annie B Smythe <anniebsmy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Diabetes, Cancer, ADD, and every other disease under the sun. How can we
> live with all this crap in the food, and water, and air, and soil, in
> everything around us? And minority babies? We all breath the same air, and
> drink the same water, and use the same products, and eat food grown from the
> same soils. There ought to be riots in the streets over this.
> http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_19801.cfm
> And they target CS as a pesticide? I think people have lost their minds!
> Instead of concentrating on ridding us of the really lethal stuff, they're
> shilly shallying around with harmless stuff. And making a big stink about
> it. CS isn't lethal to people, plants or animals, like this other bunch of
> junk.
> Annie
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