I have only used it seven times Steve, and scrub it with a nylon scrubber after 
use and I have done it with the crystals once.  There doesn't look to be any 
contamination in it and the CS I make is clear and about 10ppm.  And as I say, 
it reads 000 on the TDS meter, which I assume means that there is very little 
in the water.  The one time I ran it through a Brita filter before distilling, 
it read 002 after distilling, but I don't do that anymore.  It is just a 
mystery. I am going to invest in a Hanna 100 after Christmas and see what that 
says.  dee

On 9 Dec 2009, at 20:33, Norton, Steve wrote:

> Dee,
> From what I remember, you have a new distiller and you are pre-boiling the 
> water before you put it in the distiller. Assuming this is correct, you are 
> getting contamination after distillation. It could be from something on the 
> walls of your receptacle container, something being picked up from the air or 
> something in the condensing coil. My guess is that there may be some residue 
> in the condensing coil left over from the manufacturing processes and that 
> the contamination will go away with time and use. Or you may be able to find 
> a way to clean the coil.   
> -       Steve N