I do! I use it every day, and at age 57, way too close to 300 lbs.
(sigh...), and loving sugary goodies, my fasting blood glucose level is
normal. I take 10 micrograms in my daily multivitamins that I get from
I read somewhere that the body uses Vanadium to create insulin, and since it
is no longer in the depleted farm soils, it is no longer in the foods. Ergo,
FYI, my late mom was mildly diabetic, and my elderly elder sister (68) takes
4 shots of insulin a day for her diabetes!

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:25 PM, S&JY <you...@relia.net> wrote:

>  (This is off topic).  I got some “junk mail” from Dr. Julian Whitaker
> regarding Diabetes.  It is the usual glitzy pitch, full of “astonishing
> speed cures”, “3-Week Miracle treatment claims,”, etc., to lure people to
> subscribe to his newsletter.  But amidst all the hype and hoopla he states
> “I’ll give you full details about the world’s most lifesaving blood sugar
> supplement.  Vanadium!  My colleagues and I have used it with stunning
> success for thousands of patients.  And in animal studies, this supplement
> has eliminated type 2 diabetes, all by itself”.  Etc.
> Anyone know if Vanadium supplements can really help diabetics control their
> blood sugar levels, and/or provide other beneficial results?
> Thanks,
> Steve Y.