In a message dated 1/30/2010 10:25:26 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Anyone know if Vanadium  supplements can really help diabetics control 
their blood sugar levels, and/or  provide other beneficial results? 
Steve  Y.

Here is a cross post from Oxyplus by Dr Pressman
>>>Type 2 diabetes is due to insulin resistance  by tissues. Type 2 may 
to destruction of the insulin-producing cells  of the pancreas, but is still
considered Type 2.

The insulin producing  beta cells of the pancreas can be regenerated by
Shardunika (Gymnema  sylvestre) or cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma),
available in most health  food stores.

Insulin resistance is due to a lack of chromium and  vanadium, which can be
easily  supplemented.<<<<