Thanks Chuck,
I did a multi engine search, & boy oh boy...I've now got bad indigestion,
even reflux
from the results!!
Isn't amazing how one thing leads to another.....I thought my discovery of
CS was
the answer to all the ills that plague the universe - Now! look out - here
comes MSM.
Whilst I've been doing all this research I found a local health food shop
the only supply in Australia, or so it seems.
Move over Gold! 450grams - Aus$81...Phew!!
Anyway, I want to use it NOW, so I've got my dear wife who is out Saturday
morning garage sailing
to call in & get it for me. That's if she has any money left!?
I'll let you know how I go.
Best & best

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles King <>
To: <>
Sent: 11 September 1999 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>MSM

> Rob,
> Quick search with your basic engines will bring you up to speed on
> this latest wonder of the middle aged.

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