Unlike corn syrup, blue Agave syrup does not cause my wife to have three days 
of severe migraines.

So, I'm happy to use it to make home-made chili sauce, ketchup and so on since 
it is near impossible to find those things without corn syrup.

I'm not a raw food person, so whether this stuff is considered 'raw' or 
'cooked' is of no significance to me.   

A friend of mine has suggested a number of times that a raw food diet might 
help my wife's migraines become manageable.  She specifically suggested going 
to the Creative Health Institute in Union City here in Michigan.   I found 
their website at http://www.creativehealthinstitute.com/   and forwarded it to 
my wife for her perusal.   She was thinking that this might be worth exploring, 
but when she started reading about wheat grass enemas, that pretty much ended 
that discussion.

I'm not commenting taking issue with the raw food approach, either negatively 
or positively.  Just that the enema thing was a big hangup for my wife.   


--- On Sun, 2/28/10, Day Sutton <day.sut...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Day Sutton <day.sut...@gmail.com>
Subject: CS>Agave Syrup, is it good for you?
To: "Silver Post" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 5:09 PM


Day Sutton