
      We will have to agree to disagree.  They DO NOT know what the outcomes of 
GMO will do over time... there hasn't been enough time elapsed to do proper 
studies, which would take 20 - 30 years.  Secondly,  if you've ever eaten 
organically grown produce you will find that most of it tastes thousands of 
times better than GMO foods, tomatoes included.  Plants having their genes 
altered by producing their own glyphosphate (Roundup) kill indescriminately.  
Bugs and animals eating these "Roundup Ready" plants often die (as BT cotton 
has shown in India and elsewhere).  Often, the bugs who eat these GMO plants 
develop resistence to the toxins and require even MORE and more potent 
insecticides and this too has shown to be true in studies.  It is a fallacy 
that less insecticides are used, more are used and more potent and deadly ones 
at that.  Fooling with nature is sheer stupidity built on greed and has the 
potential of killing all life on earth.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Goodwin 
  Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:39 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Take a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

  I would agree that it would not be a good idea to genetically modify stuff 
blindly without having any idea what the modification will do.  But as far as I 
know, they DO know what these modifications will do, which is why they do them 
in the first place.  Tomatoes that have a longer shelf life and taste better, 
plants that have a better resistance to parasites, so they don't require 
chemical sprays to protect them, etc.  

  Calling them "frankenfood" brings to mind an image of the superstitious 
villagers circling the castle with torches, in a total panic because they don't 
have a clue what is going on inside.

  Better to find out what is going on, get some real knowledge of the subject, 
and then panic.  :-)

  And I'm certainly not for blindly accepting anything like GMO either.  But I 
know nothing about it, so need to find out before I take a position either for 
or against.

  As for evolution, it is caused in a number of ways:

  1. Changing environmental conditions can cause organisms to die off that are 
unable to adapt, leaving only those that do adapt to reproduce and thereby 
replicate their genes.

  2. Changing sexual preferences can have the same effect, but many orders of 
magnitude faster than 1.

  3. Pure chance -- gamma rays, chemicals, or other accidents can cause genetic 
modifications that, if they are "successful", will begin a new line of 
organisms, perhaps even drastically different from their predecessors, all 
depending on the nature of the modification.

  As I understand it, random accidental genetic modifications happen to all 
living things all the time, but since most result in changes that cause the new 
organism to fail, they never see the light of day.  There is a lot to 
evolution.  I highly recommend Richard Dawkins's book The Selfish Gene.  


  From: Bob Banever <>
  Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 9:18:39 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Take a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive


        That statement is shocking.  Do you work for Monsanto or some other 
agrifood corp?  Nature does nothing by accident... genetic changes occur over 
thousands of years for survivability and those changes occur within a given 
species.  Thus, animal genes NEVER enter into a plant cell in nature.   The 
practice of genetic engineering is not only unhealthful, it is fraught with all 
sorts of dangerous outcomes.  Allergic reactions in people who eat the GMO food 
is just one outcome.  The practice of genetically altering plants could 
potentially wipe out all life on earth and should be banned.  People have 
already died from eating GMO corn (Starlink variety).  Insects ingesting these 
plants have also died en masse.  Birds (and bats) may also be dying due to 
genetically modified foods (grains and other plants).   This practice MUST be 
stopped now.