
TO: Chuck, Danial & Karen, Ivan, Mike D & Earle

Gee Guys, maybe some of you don't know how it is for silver lerking listers
that can't join in all that Techie stuff.

We non Techies just lerk and hope to learn. Then occasionally some one comes
along like Vikki -- to hear this technical woman talk/write -- it's almost
erotic!! Forgive me Vikki!
SUGGESTION -- just a thought!!

Some time ago, thought I might post an idea of organising a standard
calibration bottle of CS with a guaranteed ppm rating. This could be
distributed by one or more
commercial listers. Of course the "guaranteed ppm rating" might be the
stumbling block. Mike D's reminder of the bottle of salt solution he
uses as
his standard!!

This standard might allow us to continue using the TDS-1 -- although by my
observtions this unit might have to be replaced a more precise and expensive
but similar dunking gadget. Don't Hanna have a $60 device calibrated in
Micro Siemens? Whatever they are exactly?

Does this have any merit Mike D?


The Techies experimenting with the "as I understand it "the photo electric
cells with lasers shining/bouncing thru a brew and this producing a possible
ppm reading. This gadget if it comes to pass would have to have a "standard
bottled ppm calibration sample I presume. Anyway, I'm just trying to
keep my place on the list and portray some proactivity in contributing
thoughts, seeing I haven't contributed for some 6 months.

I continue to use my CS as an everyday health maintenance regime. I swear
it's reduced my hair loss over the last two years. I maintain that its
better than hair spray in keeping light or thinner (not thinning) hair in
place. Just spray it on until the hair is wet, rub it in with the finger
tips, this action would be theraputic and has added to my remaining hair
crop I believe.

In fact, I've found that if one then uses a soft long haired brush, say for
three minutes, the brushing will also clean the hair. One should use this
brush and technique when showering. This not using shampoo reduces your
exposure to that industrial garage foaming agent called SLF. Or is that just
an Urban Myth? I use shampoo at most, once or twice a month. If this
didn't work one would soon be kicked out of the marriage bed and
banished with the blackened

I maintain that its almost miraculous on minor burns. Never had a major one
(touch wood) to try it out on. Its completely cleared my wife's long
time Bronchitis with the aid of a nebuliser. Morning and nighttime liberal
squirts of CS down the throat keeps any cold or flu at bay for us.
Squishing a
mouthful thru the gums and teeth for 30 seconds before bed, I'm sure is also
very helful. Sorry to reveal my pre bedtime habits and I won't go any
further!! I suspect that the colored CS will stain the teeth -- it
stains the toenails, so be careful! Brush often not hard!

Now that I've a more efficient way of brewing one can use it in the kitchen.
As has been suggested over berries, fruits and veggies to banish mould. I've
ordered a new bigger capacity brewing unit with a stirring mechanism and
will investigate further the "Big CS setup" with the huge power supply
and the multi silver electrodes. I'm a bit afraid I'll fry myself. Of
course I will have lots of
CS standing by!! I know, one could fill the fire sprinkler system with CS.
wonder if one could patent this idea?? My motto, pinched/ripped from a recent
posting, "tell and don't sell" or conversely, "sell and don't tell!!

Fellow silver streakers/freakers, take care and in Silvation yours,

Douglas Haack

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