You might like the Natural thyroid list info too.

Getting a good diagnosis as to the type of thyroid problems you have is
important as not all types take to the same treatment well.

IF you have conversion problem it might actually be low iron or low adrenals
that is causing the body not to assimilate the thyroid hormones properly (my
problem is not assimilating properly, though I have high iron as well, so
might be more adrenal that iron.  Though this has not been totally diagnosed
I have treated it homoeopathically and with Australian Bush Flower Essences 


-----Original Message-----
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: CS>hypothyroid

Would you mind sharing the address of the iodine list.  I was taking 
selenium and I was under the care of 2 alternative doctors and I still ended

up with a problem.  At this point I am taking time release T3 for Wilson's 
body temp syndrome and it is the first thing that has helped.  They think 
the problem might be in the conversion from one form to the other.  All of 
the other things, I do.

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