Yes but she didn't give you any *proof* did she?  I mean it is easy to say 
things like that and I know that nurses, doctors and vets, chemists, etc., are 
really opposed to alternative things without any proof at all.  This includes 
silver which I *know* works.  Did she also tell you all the bad side effects 
that mainstream medicine has too?  I bet not.  
I take chlorella and have never noticed this happening--and I'm sure I would.  
Maybe if a person has other issues it could be a problem because as I say, we 
are all so different and the supplements I take, may be not right for someone 
else--or--they may need different dosage.  I still think it is better to take 
things in whole food form though, and not concentrated reduced forms.  This is 
not true for certain conditions though, so each case should be judged on its 
own merit, but as a rule of thumb I think its true.  dee

On 25 Mar 2010, at 20:01, needling around wrote:

> Hi Dee,
> I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but chlorella isn't necessarily all 
> it is touted either.  Years ago I knew a woman who was an RN, LAc and colon 
> hydrotherapist.  We got into a conversation one day and she told me that for 
> some people chlorella clumps together in the colon and can take more than 6 
> months to be discharged.  She said she saw it all the time.
> PT
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dorothy Fitzpatrick" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:52 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>hypothyroid

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