All this just reinforces my conviction that supplementing things like minerals 
is a very dodgy thing!  One just doesn't *know* what mineral is deficient 
(accurately) and whether supplementing wouldn't imbalance things which causes 
much worse problems.  And all things are synergistic with others and doctors 
'normal' levels etc., are no good, because we are all so different in our 
needs.  I think its better to take them in whole food form like kelp or 
chlorella.   dee

On 25 Mar 2010, at 15:25, sol wrote:

> Gina Moore wrote:
>> Selenium can inhibit the conversion of T4 (storage hormone) to T3 (active
>> hormone).  
> I recently found a tidbit that may affect thyoid conversion problems for 
> many..........T4 to T3 conversion does not take place when there is vit A 
> deficiency.
> sol
> --
> T

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