Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

I said it several times ,

From: MaryAnn Helland <>
Sent: Tue, April 20, 2010 5:14:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was:H202, Now: Azomite

OK -- thanks.

 From: Tel Tofflemire

Try  -   for  AZOMITE       Bob is 1/2   right,   but they are 
putting it in animal feeds, as well as garden and crop fertilizers.  The 
animals always get tested first with the good stuff.    

 From: MaryAnn Helland

Bob -- did you say where one could buy/order the Azomite?  Is this a farm-store 
product?  Thanks.

 From: Bob Banever

If you have a garden or farm, a supplement like Azomite would be great to add 
to the soil as fertilizer. Your veggies would be brimming with minerals formed 
40 million years ago when these substances were in abundance.  Since factory 
farms don't use organic methods you will get only a few select minerals that 
might help grow the plants but do little for your varied needs.