
the idea of the small shaped charges is to surround the pipe with them
and blow it closed, or at least down to a dia. where it could be capped.
Blowing the whole thing even wider is not a good idea, and anything on a
scale you envision would probably produce cracking and widen existing
faults which would lead to a catastrophic impossible-to-control blowout
of the entire pocket.  Wrong way to go.


On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 13:32 -0400, Garrick wrote:
> Hi
> I'm no engineer but I think a very small nuke is what you need to to
> collapse the well from a hole bored side by side with the gusher hole.
> Drill down a few hundred feet and detonate. I doubt 3-4 lbs of
> conventional explosives will do it unless inserted directly down the
> well which sounds impossible to me. This is a very high pressure well.
> I could swear I read was drilled through basalt to get to the oil but
> can find nothing on the internet about basalt
> I want that nuke to cap that well by destroying it. If that oil
> reservoir is tapped again BP will have to drill a new hole....Hey it's
> doing that anyway right now. Two of them
> g
> _______________________________
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Bob Banever <>
> wrote:
>         G,
>            Why a nuke?  Another engineer suggested a small (3 - 4 lbs)
>         shaped charge would be enough to collapse the well.  You have
>         to be careful not to damage the rock casement of the well
>         itself.  That's the problem.
>                 ----- Original Message ----- 
>                 From: Garrick 
>                 To: 
>                 Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:30 AM
>                 Subject: Re: CS>Mother of all gushers could kill
>                 Earth's oceans
>                 There are natural oil seeps off the California coast.
>                 Think LaBrea tar pits....oil and tar close to the
>                 surface. Santa Barbara off shore has many seeps. The
>                 natural seeps don't put out so much these days because
>                 the oil drilling has relieved the pressure
>                 About ten days ago on a forum an old guy said he saw
>                 tarballs washing up on Southern California beaches in
>                 the 1940s...before any offshore drilling off the
>                 California coast
>                 BP head on TV said last night it is now an industry
>                 wide effort to get the best people and best brains
>                 together to neutralize this gusher. I would not bet
>                 against these people. An entire industry's future is
>                 at stake. In other words they have very stronmg
>                 incentives (monetary and otherwise) to cap this well
>                 Me.....  I would consider drilling a hole right next
>                 to the well 500 ft down and detonate a small nuke
>                 g

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