Back in the 70's, globs of black stuff washed ashore in California everyday, month after month, not far from our home, just off the beach. I asked my dad, and he said "Oh, that's the oil rigs out there, they all leak thousands of gallons a day each and are poisoning our oceans, and indirectly, us.

Take a look on the average day off the US coast, and see that in reality, we've been poisoning the oceans for decades. That's right, some of those slicks are 3-7 miles wide, and 70-100+ miles long. Day after day, hour by hour, week by week, year after year... There is no "Safe" method to pull oil from the oceans, Obuma is lying to everyone.

Even worse, my mother uncovered documents of the govt. and industry dumping hundreds of thousands of barrels of chemical weapons, biological weapons, and other things off our coasts in an effort to cover up their activities. The estimated time of corrosion and release of these was between 25-35 years, give or take a few decades. Let's see, she told me that around 1978, and it's 2010, so... Hmm... Right on schedule for 2012 and an engineered apoc.

Marshall Dudley wrote:


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