I just read an article where Pete Egoscue(?) had a knee pain sufferer walk around with her hands behind her head for awhile and the knee pain went away. Those with knee pain might want to look into one of his books.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Saralou" <slped...@gmail.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: CS>arthritic pain

I agree, Bodhi; I've used lots of stuff that worked for a while: CMO and electrotherapy being the easiest. Last go-round with the knees I started spraying MgCl (Magnesium Oil made from Nigari) on my knees every time I sat down with my pants down <g>. It's lasted the longest. Doesn't do a thing for the lower back and I tend to spray the back of my hand and rub it on my lower back while I'm sitting there too. Saralou

On 6/9/2010 10:41 AM, bodhisattva wrote:
80-90% of all people are Magnesium Deficient. I recommend Magnesium-Citrate supplements for everyone, and it seems to clear up joint pain pretty quickly.. My wife gets flareups everytime she stops taking magnesium citrate. It used to be in our foods more, and is not.. It used to be more concentrated in salt, it is not, himalayan does have trace amounts, but not enough.

People used to eat more magnesium rich foods than they do today. I recommend magnesium for everyone these days.

Kathy Tankersley wrote:
My clucosamine/chondroitin/msm is not working for joint pain anymore. Someone on this list said they use something else, does anyone remember what it is? If not, I could really use some suggestions as to what to use. Thanks......Kathy

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